Integrate your Runkeeper account into Open Humans

This app connects your Runkeeper to your Open Humans account and makes sure to update your data regularly.

Learn more by visiting our page on Open Humans.

How it works

  1. Click the button below
    This takes you to Open Humans authentification page.
  2. Log in or create an Open Humans account
    Your Runkeeper data will be added to this account.
  3. Authorize this app in Open Humans
    This authorizes us to add your Runkeeper data to your account.
  4. Authorize us to access your Runkeeper account.
    The Open Humans website will redirect you back to us for the last step: Authorizing us to access your Runkeeper account. It will take you to the Runkeeper website.
  5. Authorize us.
    Runkeeper will tell you what kind of data we will access from your account. You can then approve this application on their site.
Start with Open Humans authorization


  1. Will my data from Runkeeper be public?
    The short answer: No, by connecting your Runkeeper account you don't agree to make your data public or give anyone access to this data. It will be stored in your account and you decide with whom to share.
    The longer answer: It can be public if you want it to be public. If you're logged in into Open Humans can make individual sources publicly available through the public data feature.
  2. Do you keep my data up to date?
    Yes, we regularly update your data to keep it up to date. After logging in you can also manually trigger an update.
  3. Who's running this project?
    This project is run by the team of Open Humans itself.
  4. How can I be in touch with you?
    You can reach us via email at